Hindutva is a community app for the followers of Hinduism or people those who want to understand the religion, where you could share and learn about one of the ancient religion ever adopted. A place where you could find current era relevancy with the ancient Yugas. Keep yourself up with the festivals around the community. Ask your questions and you may find an answer to your questions.
View, Like, Comment, Share, Save or Post Spiritual Videos/Pictures, Inspirational Speeches, Religious Events, Festivals, Shlokas, Mantras and many more.
Have a question in mind? Feel free to ask the community.
Keep up with the festival. Share your festival and understand other festivals.
Receive Daily Shlokas/Mantras and understand the meaning.
Get Panchang details for any location and day of the calendar including Sunrise/Sunset Time, Moonrise/Moonset Time, Zodiac of Sun/Moon, Paksha, Tithi, Yog, Karan, Nakshatra, Ritu (Season), Abhijeet Muhurata, RahuKaal, etc.
Select zodiac sign and get insight on what to expect for Love, Career, Health and plan your day with our Daily Horoscope.
Explore famous temples or search nearby temples and religious place to visit.
A mini library where you could learn, understand and share places relevant to all four yuga’s with current era. If you have something to share something that’s missing, you could write us.
Searching for Pooja Stores in your area. You could find a list of Pooja stores nearby.
A lot of other features like Hindu Calendar, Mantras, Pooja Vidhi, etc. are on its way.
Hindutva ist ein Community-App für die Anhänger des Hinduismus oder Menschen diejenigen, die die Religion verstehen wollen, wo Sie teilen könnten und lernen Sie eine der alten Religion jemals angenommen. Ein Ort, wo Sie aktuelle Ära Relevanz mit den alten Yugas finden konnten. Halten Sie sich mit den Festen auf rund um die Gemeinde. Stellen Sie Ihre Fragen und Sie können eine Antwort auf Ihre Fragen finden.